NINA Assistant Plugin Design

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Sequence Instruction

At imaging time, the Assistant is implemented by a single new sequence instruction: Assistant. The description below assumes some familiarity with how Sequence Containers work in the NINA Advanced Sequencer. A Sequence Container (e.g. Deep Space Object Sequence) wraps the following logic into a single entity:

The Assistant instruction extends the base Sequential Instruction Set container. It operates as follows:

  1. Run the Planning Engine (passing in the current target if available) and get the next target to image. End execution if none are returned.
  2. Set the target details on the container (similar to the Deep Space Object Sequence container) to support the sequencer UI.
  3. If the start time for the target is in the future, wait for the start time.
  4. Set a trigger on the container to abort this target when the hard stop time is reached, taking into account the likely duration of the next instruction to execute.
  5. Add a slew/center/rotate instruction to the instruction list. Note that this is only necessary if the new target is different from the previous.
  6. Add the switch filter and exposure instructions for each planned exposure, with appropriate dither handling. If the filter plan set a camera readout mode, add that instruction before the exposures.
  7. Enable monitoring of image save events so that the image grader can run and the acquired images for this project/target can be updated.
  8. Execute the container.
  9. Loop back to step 1.

If the sequence is stopped in the NINA UI, it will begin again at step 1 when resumed. Not only is this the simplest approach, it also makes sense since the time and conditions may have changed.

This approach leverages the existing features and sophistication of the NINA Advanced Sequencer to simplify the implementation. However, it’s not unique - other core instructions in NINA decompose an operation into several steps, each implemented by a different existing instruction, trigger, or condition.

A key feature is that the logic for any sequence containers that are parents to the Assistant container continue to work normally. For example, any trigger on a parent container will still run after the execution of each Assistant instruction. So the triggers you normally use to handle various tasks - autofocus, meridian flip, center after drift, etc - will continue to work. The Assistant itself just focuses on getting pointed to the selected target and taking the planned exposures.

The Assistant instruction has the potential to significantly simplify sequences since the details of the required exposures and the target timing are managed elsewhere or automatically determined. A perfectly valid sequence might be:

- Regular start instructions (connect equipment, cool camera, unpark, calibrate guiding, etc)
  - Sequential Instruction Set container:
    - Triggers:
        autofocus, meridian flip, center after drift, etc
    - Loop Conditions:
        Loop While Safe (if using a Safety Monitor)
    - Instructions:
- Regular end instructions (warm camera, park, disconnect equipment, etc)

Since the Assistant will manage the start/stop times for each selected target based on selected criteria and twilight, there’s no real need to manage that explicitly in the sequence.

Other Considerations

Assistant Instruction Validation

When instructions are added to a sequence, a validator is run and the instruction can perform whatever validation steps it requires. In the case of the Assistant, that might be:

Assistant Instruction Error Handling

Error handling is TBD. See RunErrorBehavior() in SequenceItem. Note interaction with the Attempts setting too.

What your Sequence Still Needs

The following is a sample of the sequence logic you’ll still want. It’s not meant to be comprehensive or all-inclusive. For example, triggers or instructions provided by other installed plugins will probably work just fine.

What your Sequence No Longer Needs

With this approach, you no longer need the following in your sequences: