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Acquisition Data

The plugin saves metadata to the database for each exposure taken when the plugin is running the acquisition session - essentially the same metadata that NINA gathers and calculates for the image. This data can be viewed on the plugin home page (NINA Plugins > Target Scheduler) by expanding the Acquired Images section.

In addition to providing the means to review acquisition data, the records are also used to provide samples for the Image Grader.


Several options exist to restrict the records displayed. To select by date:

  • Select a preset date range from the Fixed Date Range dropdown.
  • Or enter custom From and To dates.

So that the date range is inclusive, the From date will always have a time of midnight and the To date will use 23:59:59.

You can further restrict the records by Project, Target, and Filter used:

  • Project: Select a project from the dropdown. Note that projects across all NINA Profiles will be shown.
  • Target: If you select a project, you can select one of the targets for that project.
  • Filter: If you select a target, you can further select one of the filters used for that target.


  • You can click a table header to sort the table, click the same header again to sort in the opposite direction.
  • Select a row in the table to view details.

CSV Output

Click the CSV icon to write the results of the current query to a CSV file. The output file does not reflect any sorting changes you make to the table itself.

The column order was chosen to mimic the CSV output of the Session Metadata plugin.

Purging Records

To remove acquired image records, expand the Purge Records header. There are two ways to select the records:

  • By date: set the Older Than date to the date desired (it defaults to nine months before present) and leave Target as ‘All’. All records - regardless of target - will be removed.
  • By date and target: set the Older Than date to the date desired and then select your target from the dropdown. Only those records for that target older than the date will be removed.

Click the delete (trashcan) icon to execute. In both cases, you will be asked to confirm the deletion.


  • Keep in mind that these records are used for image grading so if you think you might want to continue imaging a relevant target in the future, you might not want to remove associated records.
  • There is only a weak reference to the applicable project, target, and filter for each record. You could delete or move projects, targets, or exposure plans which may impact what can be shown, selected, or deleted.
  • You can however, choose to automatically delete the records associated with targets when deleting projects and targets. See the Delete Acquired Images preference (enabled by default).

Data Saved

The following values are saved. The description is missing for items that are self-explanatory and/or come directly from underlying NINA data. Note that some values may be empty if not applicable for your equipment.

Property Description
Project The associated project
Target The associated target
Date Date/time the exposure finished
Filter Filter used for the exposure
Accepted Whether the exposure was accepted by the Image Grader or not. Will be false if grading is disabled.
Rejected Reason Reason for rejection, if not accepted by the Image Grader. Will be ‘not graded’ if grading is disabled.
File Name Full path to the image file on disk
Duration Exposure duration
HFR Std Dev  
FWHM Requires Hocus Focus
Eccentricity Requires Hocus Focus
ADU Std Dev  
ADU Mean  
ADU Median  
ADU Min  
ADU Max  
Guiding RMS  
Guiding RMS ArcSec  
Guiding RMS RA  
Guiding RMS RA ArcSec  
Guiding RMS Dec  
Guiding RMS Dec ArcSec  
Focuser Position  
Focuser Temp  
Rotator Position  
Pier Side  
Camera Temp  
Camera Target Temp  