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Release Notes BETA

Released September 16, 2024

Changes in this Release

  • Fixed a bug where the planner could return a plan with no exposures, will now abort container and warn instead.
  • Fixed a bug where needed flats were being improperly culled.
  • Added test support for inter-plugin messaging: TS will now message when a wait starts and when a target plan starts. See Communicating with Other Plugins for details.

This is a beta release, only available when you have the plugin beta channel configured in your NINA options.

See below for details on previous releases.


Refer to the applicable documentation for details. See the project change log for the complete history.

Known Issues

  • Icons disappear when using Light or Seance color schemes.
  • Currently, a slew will always do a center which will also rotate a dome if connected. However, if we provide a way to disable plate solving, then it would use the SlewScopeToRaDec instruction which does not rotate a dome. Could possibly add a SynchronizeDome instruction with the slew. Would need someone with a dome to disable platesolving and test such a fix.
  • Although profiles/projects/targets are initially sorted properly, adding one or changing a name doesn’t properly re-sort. However, you can click the refresh icon on the tree to restore the sort order.

Previous Releases

Target Scheduler

Released September 7, 2024

  • Don’t abort a flat exposure if setting flat panel brightness throws an error, just warn
  • Changed the time at which moon avoidance is evaluated, now halfway through target’s minimum time
  • Removed rotation as one of the comparison criteria for flats

Notes on this release:

Moon Avoidance Time

The time used to evaluate moon avoidance has been reworked and you may see some change, especially for relaxed avoidance. The previous approach had a tendency to use a time that was potentially too far in the future. This didn’t matter much for classic avoidance but it does for relaxed. Going forward, the time used will be ‘now’ plus 1/2 of the project’s minimum time. Note that if you use Smart Plan Window (true by default), you may have plans that are much longer than the project minimum. The moon altitude will only be evaluated at the start of the plan but it may change dramatically by the end. If this is a problem, set Smart Plan Window to off.

Flats and Rotation

Previously, the target mechanical rotation determined for a light was used to decide what flats were needed (in addition to filter, gain, offset, binning, etc). However, the exact angle can vary from solve to solve based on the rotational tolerance you have in options - so an exact match on rotation will fail and ‘fuzzy’ comparisons using the tolerance are problematic to implement. In practice, this should only cause problems if you change the rotation in the middle of a flat cadence.

Target Scheduler

Released September 1, 2024

  • Added button to change scheduler preview start time to now
  • Bug fix for immediate flats on sync client
  • Bug fix for event container race condition

Target Scheduler

Released August 9, 2024

  • Added support for custom event containers in the Target Scheduler Sync Container instruction.
  • Added support for running TS Flats instruction in a sync client sequence.

Target Scheduler

Released July 30, 2024

  • Added ability to reset target completion at the profile, project, and target levels.
  • Added support for TSPROJECTNAME path variable.
  • TS Flats instruction no longer displays misleading progress when idle.
  • Fixed bug with caching and project/target horizon changes.

Target Scheduler

Released July 5, 2024

  • Fixed bug with smart plan window and concurrent or future potential targets

Target Scheduler

Released June 19, 2024

  • Relaxed matching criteria for trained flats, will now match if gain or offset is not equal
  • Added additional logging for flat panel operations

Target Scheduler

Released June 8, 2024

  • Added ability to progressively relax classic moon avoidance when the moon is near or below the horizon
  • Fixed (hopefully) crash when making some TS database changes after other NINA operations
  • Fixed bug with nighttime only exposures and high latitudes near summer solstice
  • Fixed bug logging training flat details which broke taking some flats

Target Scheduler

Released May 5, 2024

  • Raised timeouts/deadlines for sync operations

Target Scheduler

Released April 17, 2024

  • Added Target Scheduler Background Condition sequencer instruction
  • TS Container UI reworked to be more like a standard container and with better scrolling behavior (thanks Stefan)
  • Fixed problem with override exposure order not being copied on paste operations and bulk import
  • Fixed bug where internal filter name is unknown for OSC users
  • Fixed bug (hopefully) where sync client was failing to process images and update the database

Target Scheduler

Released March 8, 2024

  • Fixed problem with CSV import due to NINA package updates

Target Scheduler

Released February 23, 2024

  • Added toggle in Projects navigation to color projects and targets by whether they are active or not
  • Added toggle in Projects navigation to show/hide projects and targets by whether they are active or not
  • Added copy/paste/reset for Project Scoring Rule Weights

Target Scheduler

Released February 15, 2024

  • Refactored target and exposure planning percent complete handling

Target Scheduler

Released February 12, 2024

  • Fixed exposure completion reversion caused by previous percent complete rule fix

Target Scheduler

Released February 6, 2024

  • Fixed bug in percent complete scoring rule for completed exposure plans

Target Scheduler

Released February 2, 2024

  • Another tweak to TS Condition to ensure loop remains completed
  • Fixed bug where target from Framing Wizard would appear to replace target in TS target management panel
  • Code clean up

Target Scheduler

Released January 26, 2024

  • Fixed issue where TS Condition wasn’t working when called in outer containers
  • Increased timeout for sync client registration
  • Added validation of TS Container triggers and custom event containers
  • Stopped cloning of TS Container triggers into plan sub-container (now run normally)
  • Added additional logging of sequence item lifecycle events

Target Scheduler

Released December 28, 2023

Target Scheduler

Released December 21, 2023

  • Fixed bug in readout mode handling
  • Fixed bug with Percent Complete and Mosaic Complete scoring rules if image grading is off

Target Scheduler

Released December 18, 2023

  • Fixed bug in smart plan window - was skipping projects incorrectly
  • Fixed another bug with determining target completed
  • You can now choose to delete acquired image records (not image files) when deleting the associated target. See the Delete Acquired Images preference (enabled by default).
  • If running as a sync client, TS Condition will now use the server’s data for the targets remain or projects remain checks

Target Scheduler

Released December 15, 2023

  • Fixed bug in TS Flats: if your project flats cadence is greater than 1, then it wasn’t properly accounting for flats for the same filter already taken - you’d basically take too many.
  • Fixed bug with determining target completeness when image grading is off and exposure throttling applies.
  • Fixed missing TS version in TS log.

Target Scheduler

Released December 14, 2023

  • Fixed bug in TS Condition - check wasn’t running the first time through
  • Immediate flats wasn’t handling Repeat Flat Set off correctly
  • Immediate flats instruction will now open a flip-flat cover when done
  • Updated for latest NINA 3 beta libraries

Target Scheduler

Released December 12, 2023

  • Added support for taking automated flats
  • Optimized the condition check in Target Scheduler condition
  • Target Scheduler Container instruction has a new custom event container: After Each Target
  • Added a ‘need flats’ check to Target Scheduler condition

Target Scheduler

Released November 26, 2023

  • Improved handling when TS is canceled/interrupted which means it behaves better in safety scenarios and with Powerups safety controls. Be sure you are running Powerups or later. Thanks to @Marc for his changes and consultation.

Target Scheduler

Released November 17, 2023

  • Added image grading on FWHM and Eccentricity (requires Hocus Focus plugin)
  • Added option to move rejected images to a ‘rejected’ directory
  • Added ability to purge acquired image records by date or date/target
  • Added CSV output for acquired image records
  • Added better support for the Center After Drift trigger (see release notes)
  • Added smarter determination of plan stop times
  • Added ability to delete all target exposure plans
  • The rule weight list is now sorted when displayed
  • Added target rotation and ROI to the set of data saved for acquired images. A future release will use these values when selecting ‘like’ images for grading.
  • Fixed issue where target rotation wasn’t being sent to Framing Wizard
  • Added experimental support for synchronization across multiple instances of NINA
  • All sequencer instructions moved to new category “Target Scheduler”

Target Scheduler

Released October 11, 2023

  • Fixed bug with exposure planner.

Target Scheduler

Released September 19, 2023

  • Fixed edge case bug with custom horizons.

Target Scheduler

Released September 7, 2023

  • Fixed problem with override exposure ordering. Unfortunately, any existing override order had to be cleared (automatically) for this fix. You’ll have to manually redo any that you had already created.

Target Scheduler

Released August 22, 2023

  • Added ability to override exposure ordering
  • Added Mosaic Completion scoring rule
  • Fixed bug with rotation not being set when importing from a saved Sequence Target
  • Fixed bug related to non-existent custom horizon

Target Scheduler

Released August 9, 2023

  • Fixed bug preventing target ROI from being applied properly. If you’re not using ROI, you wouldn’t be impacted.

Target Scheduler

Released August 7, 2023

  • Added ability to copy/paste exposure plans.
  • Added fixed date range options to Acquired Images viewer and improved performance.
  • Added ability to select images in the Acquired Images table by filter used.
  • Fixed issue with scheduler preview: wasn’t picking up dynamic changes to target database.
  • Added 5/10/20 minute options to project minimum time.
  • Will automatically unpark the scope if parked before a target slew.
  • Fixed the annoying bug related to editing Exposure Templates on Target Exposure Plans.
  • Images in the acquired images table will now show ‘not graded’ as the Reject Reason if grading was disabled when the image completed.
  • Now skips useless Target Scheduler Condition checks.

Target Scheduler

Released July 20, 2023

  • This release is for NINA 3 only. All previous releases ( and earlier) were for NINA 2. From this point forward, only fixes for serious problems will be back-ported to the NINA 2 version. The online documentation is now for NINA 3 only.
  • You can now add custom instructions at various points in the lifecycle of the planner. Four separate instruction containers are provided to add your instructions: before or after a wait period and before or after execution of a new/changed target. For example, you could park your mount and/or close a flip-flat before a wait and then reverse after the wait.
  • The display of running instructions in the Target Scheduler Container instruction has been greatly improved.
  • Scheduler Preview now provides a ‘View Details’ button to display details about the planning and decision-making process. The same information is also written to the Target Scheduler log for actual runs via the sequencer.